Sanction of the victim
Are you reading this on a PC which you stole or bought with benefits? If you are, fuck off now.
This is for the rest of you, who worked to earn money and bought your PC with it. I just want to ask you to think about a few things. Well, I shouldn't say "things" really, because I'm talking about people. Broadly speaking.
I want you to think about the shiftless sponger who leaves school and never tries to find a job, but instead manages to get by quite comfortably on invalidity benefit for an unproveable lower back problem.
I want you to think about the sink-estate slut, mother to five children by five fathers, who keeps her Housing Benefit-funded flat well stocked with Lambert & Butler, Buckfast, frozen pizza and microwave chips courtesy of a huge wad of child benefit.
I want you to think about the unemployed couple who occasionally smile at you from the fifth page of The Sun, surrounded by their 15 children in front of the three knocked-together council houses they refer to as "their" home.
I want you to think about the arrogant "asylum seeker" who gets given a free furnished house and a pocketful of cash every week, so he can hang about on street corners continuing Somali clan feuds with a machete while being too damn idle to bother his useless arse learning English.
I want you to think about the exiled Imam who spews Jihadist filth from his pulpit, while living high on the charity of the country that he daily abuses even while it shelters him from the consequences of the crimes he committed in his own land.
I want you to think about the NuLabour jobsworth who trousers forty grand a year in his worthless capacity as a Multicultural Tolerance Outreach Facilitator, befouling our lives with useless regulations and politically correct claptrap which bear no relation to the world outside of the Guardian jobs section.
I want you to think about the fact that every one of these pieces of canine excrement only survives because we allow them to. This is what Ayn Rand memorably described as the "Sanction of the victim." These people, these scrapings of the human barrel, are not the victims of society. We are. They are the parasites, and the money in their pockets is extorted from ours. We work; they don't. We produce; they sponge. We owe them nothing. Instead, they owe us something. They owe us respect. They owe us gratitude. They owe us the recognition that they live by our sufferance, and that our patience is not infinite.
So if we want something from these people, we should get it. If we tell them to stop malingering and find a job, keep their knickers on and their knees together, support their own offspring instead of asking us to do it, integrate with our culture pretty damn quick, shut their foul ranting theocratic gobs or stop bothering us with their viciously intolerant Left-liberal social engineering, they should do so promptly and uncomplainingly. They should remember that they survive by our sanction; that sanction is the money that we pay to keep them alive. In Britain today, far too many of our laws, taxes and governmental impositions are aimed at helping the "disadvantaged." The truth is, though, that 99% of the "disadvantaged" were disadvantaged by their own actions or lack thereof. I say, frankly and simply, fuck them.
Why don't we withdraw our sanction from these people? Why don't we refuse to let them wax fat on the proceeds of our industry? Why don't we elect a government that will trim the Welfare State back to a bare, subsistence-level skeleton? Why don't we re-establish the idea that to support yourself you have to earn money, and to have children you have to earn more?
If the sanction of the victim is withdrawn, I predict that the vast majority of the "disadvantaged" will either manage to find work fairly quickly or depart for sunnier climes. For the unregenerate few who whine about "entitlement" or turn to crime, there are always other solutions. Sell them as slaves to Omani Bedouin. Render them down for pig feed. Augment our woefully over-stretched Army by the creation of penal battalions. Stage gladiatorial games in Wembley Stadium. Let's be imaginative.
I freely admit that this post has been prompted by the expropriation of a third of my last pay packet to support other people who have, quite unaccountably, failed to turn up and do a third of my work for me. The hundreds of pounds of my money that other people spent on Lottery scratchcards, al Qaida DVDs and Vegetarian Respect Awareness leaflets last month would have made quite a significant difference to my lifestyle. I do not feel compassionate about this. I do not feel that I have helped those less fortunate than myself. I feel angry that other, frankly inferior, people have been given my money as the end product of a process of State-sponsored theft.
I want you to think about that.